Toronto Public Library Mount Pleasant

When did you open in Mount Pleasant Village?

What sets your business apart from anywhere else?
We sell Stickley furniture. It’s one of the few solidly-made wooden furniture lines that is left in North America. Stickley, built in Manlius New York since 1900 is arguably the most famous furniture manufacturer in history.

Do you have a specialty?
Furniture with a solid wood construction and heirloom quality. Stickley uses only the finest materials to construct beautiful furniture in classic designs.

Most meaningful customer comment you’ve received since you’ve been open?
“We began dating, and he gave me the Stickley Collector Chest. Then, he gave me the Stickley bookcase. He gave me a diamond; I said yes. Before he said it with a diamond, he said it with Stickley.”

Give us one interesting fact about your business:
The name Manderley Manor is from the novel, “Rebecca” by Daphne du Maurier and was also Alfred Hitchcock’s directorial debut.