Toronto Camera Club
Founded in 1888 oronto Camera Club is the oldest camera club in Canada and among the
first in North America.
Meetings are held every Monday evening from September to May, and our
public lecture series evenings are held Thursday evenings from mid-October
to November, and February to March. Our club activities include
competitions, social events, workshops, outings, mentoring, and much more!
Founded in 1888 and located at 587 Mount Pleasant Rd. since 1965, the
Toronto Camera Club is the oldest camera club in Canada and among the
first in North America.
Meetings are held every Monday evening from September to May, and our
public lecture series evenings are held Thursday evenings from mid-October
to November, and February to March. Our club activities include
competitions, social events, workshops, outings, mentoring, and much more!
If you would like to learn more about the the Toronto Camera Club and take
advantage of the club to enhance your photography skills, please contact
us to learn more and arrange a Monday night that you can come to one of
our meetings for free.